by nerses 

Minimum Salary & Business Turnover Requirements to Be Introduced for Work Residence Permits


Minimum Salary & Business Turnover Requirements to Be Introduced for Work Residence Permit in Georgia

Under current regulations a foreign employee may qualify for a work residence permit in Georgia if he/she provides an employment agreement showing his monthly salary, which must be at least twice the amount of average consumer living subsistence (currently GEL 178.6 or US$66.52). 

These regulations are likely to be changed by upcoming legislative amendments. According to the new rules, expected to come into effect in 2019, only businesses with annual turnover of at least GEL 50,000 (US$18,600) would be eligible to sponsor employees for residence permit in Georgia. This amount is applicable to each foreign employee, so that a business sponsoring three foreigners would have to show a turnover of at least GEL 150,000 (US$55,900).

Moreover, the monthly salary of each foreign worker would have to be not less than GEL 900 (US$335).

Residence Permit


Property Owner




Bill "A"

Investment of at least US$300,000 in economy or real estate (except agricultural land). Residence is issued for five years. It can be converted into a permanent residence permit if:

  • Business has had an annual turnover of at least US$120,000 during each of the last five years, OR
  • Real property has been held throughout the 5-year period

Investment of at least US$100,000 in real estate (except agricultural land)

  • The annual turnover of the business is not less than GEL 50,000 (US$18,600) per applicant; AND
  • The monthly salary/income of each applicant is not less than GEL 900 (US$335)

Bill "B"

  • Investment of US$400,000 in 5-year government bonds + other investment of US$100,000, OR
  • Investment of US$300,000 + creation of 8 jobs

To be repealed

Issued only to specialists whose professions are included in a list approved by the Georgian government

About the author 


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