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A Digital Nomad's Guide to Renting an Apartment in Armenia: How to Protect Yourself from Fraud?

As a digital nomad, renting an apartment in a foreign country can be quite challenging. There are many things to consider, including the language barrier, cultural differences, and the risk of falling prey to rental scams. Armenia is no exception, and it's important to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from rental scams.

Legal Requirements of Renting in Armenia

In Armenia, it is crucial to adhere to certain legal requirements when renting an apartment. According to Armenian law, rental agreements should be registered in the Cadaster. If the tenant does not speak Armenian, it is necessary to sign the lease agreement at a notary with the assistance of a translator, followed by registration in the Cadaster. The notary will also request a joint reference from the lessor, verify the lessor's ownership or authorization, and confirm spousal consent to the transaction.

Regarding the contents of the contract itself, it is important to clarify matters such as utility payment responsibilities, early termination procedures, repair responsibilities for both the tenant and the lessor, liability for damages caused to neighbors during the lease, frequency of landlord inspections, and the conditions for returning or forfeiting the advance payment, among other relevant aspects. To avoid future disputes regarding contract termination, it is also advisable to formalize its resolution through a notary.

As for the government fees, the fees for the registration in the Cadaster are AMD 26,000 (around USD 65). The government fee paid in the notary in case of verification of lease agreements is AMD 1,000 (around USD 3) and the service fees charged by the notary can vary from AMD 8,000 - 25,000 (around USD 25 - 65).

While some of these formalities may not be strictly necessary for short-term leases, they are important for long-term agreements because failure to register the right to lease (such as having an oral or unofficially written agreement, or a notarized agreement not registered in the Cadaster) implies that the agreement does not legally exist, thus, tenants will have no legal means to protect themselves and landlords can demand eviction at any time or increase the rent arbitrarily.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that many lessors in Armenia prefer not to sign contracts with a notary to avoid paying a 10% tax on rent. In some cases, if the lessor agrees to register in the Cadaster, they may increase the rent by the same percentage. It is important to acknowledge that, in practice, most lease contracts in Armenia are not registered.

Tips for Renting an Apartment in Armenia

Before you rent an apartment in Armenia, there are several things you should consider.

First, utilize resources available for finding secure apartments in Armenia. Reliable platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com offer secure payment options and provide a review system where you can access feedback from previous guests.
Additionally, local real estate agents can be valuable allies in your search for a secure apartment, guiding you through the rental process and ensuring your safety. Please note that in Armenia, real estate agents do not require licenses, which increases the risk of fraud. Therefore, it is wise to work exclusively with reputable agencies to minimize the chances of encountering fraudulent practices.

Second, recording the initial condition of the apartment through photographs or videos is recommended to prevent disagreements about the property's condition upon acceptance and return.
Lastly, it should be noted that after July 1st, 2023, cash payments for real estate related transactions will no longer be permissible. Consequently, the landlord is obligated to accept non-cash payment methods. Additionally, it is important to mention that lessors can only accept payments in the local currency.


In conclusion, renting an apartment in Armenia as a digital nomad requires careful attention to legal requirements and precautions to protect yourself from fraud. Adhering to Armenian law, such as registering rental agreements in the Cadaster and signing leases at a notary, provides crucial legal protection. Utilizing reliable platforms, working with reputable agencies, documenting the apartment's condition, and adhering to non-cash payment methods are all essential steps for a safe and secure rental experience in Armenia. By taking these precautions, digital nomads can navigate the rental market with confidence and peace of mind.

What Makes Armenia a Good Choice for Residency 

No Stay or Visit

Maintaining residency in Armenia does not require physical presence; remote application is possible.

Fast and Easy

The residency application usually takes about 80 days and only a valid passport is required. 

Family Covered

Residents can sponsor extended family for residency (parents, siblings, grandchildren, etc.) 

Citizenship Path

After living in Armenia for three years, citizenship can be obtained. Dual citizenship is allowed.

Contact Us

We will be happy to answer your questions. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch soon. 

2023.03.20 Residence
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We are committed to keeping your e-mail address confidential. We do not sell, rent, or lease our contact data or lists to third parties, and we will not provide your personal information to any third party individual, government agency, or company at any time.

Our Proven Process of Making Armenia Your Second Home



As part of the preparation process, we will take care of translating your passport, printing photos, and filling out the necessary forms.


Residency for Family

You can sponsor your spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren to obtain residency in Armenia.



In order to qualify for residency, you have the option of either making a low-risk investment in government bonds or donating to a rural development project.


SSN, Tax ID, Etc.

You can obtain a certificate of registered address, a social security number, personal tax identification number, as well as a tax residency certificate.


Residence Permit

Applicants can choose to apply for a temporary (1-year) or permanent (5-year) residence permit remotely or in-person.


Bank Account

You can choose from 18 banks offering online and mobile banking, Visa and MasterCard options, and up to 11% interest on deposits in AMD, RUR, etc.

What Clients Say

Overall, I felt it could not have been any better. Everything was taken care of so smoothly, effortlessly, and managed very well. 

Jagdish n.

It is always daunting when dealing with immigration, visas etc in a foreign country. The team at Vardanyan & Partners made the process for registering the business and applying for residency so much easier. I had no worries at all. The team overall really went out of their way to accommodate and assist us.

Nadine B.

The team members were all professional, knowledgeable and most importantly, honest. They are hard-working and patient and were always responsive to my messages and questions. What I like most is, they are very well organised and have a modern system of work.

H. Rassa

Armenia is a captivating nation with a rich history and a promising future. Our firm is wholeheartedly committed to supporting individuals and businesses that recognize Armenia's potential and are eager to contribute to its ongoing success.

We trust that this website will serve as a valuable resource for you in gathering the information you need. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to get in touch with us. You can easily contact us through various channels, such as completing the form on our website, emailing us directly at [email protected], or reaching out via phone or popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, and Skype at +374. We are always available to assist you in any way possible.

Nerses Isajanyan
Managing Attorney
LL.M. Georgetown University, licensed to practice in both Armenia (license no. 903) and New York (license no. 5148945)

About Us

Vardanyan & Partners is a reputable law firm situated in Yerevan, Armenia, which has been providing excellent legal services since its establishment in 2012. Our team of locally licensed, English-speaking attorneys specializes in immigration, incorporation, and compliance matters, ensuring that clients receive expert legal guidance.  We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest changes in legislation and regulations, ensuring that our clients receive the most relevant and accurate advice. At Vardanyan & Partners, we place a strong emphasis on honesty, transparency, and client care. 

  • 10+ years of specialized experience in immigration and busines setup.
  • Fast and fluent communication in English and Russian. 24-hour response policy.  
  • Secure online payments. No hidden charges. 
  • Licensed and insured local attorneys. 

Where to find us

4/3 Pirumyanner, Suite 12, Yerevan, 0054, Armenia

