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Exploring Diverse Pathways to Armenian Citizenship

Introduction to Armenian citizenship

This comprehensive guide will give you essential insights into the various routes to obtain Armenian citizenship.

Citizenship by Descent

Foreign nationals with Armenian lineage may qualify for citizenship by descent. This avenue extends eligibility to individuals boasting at least one Armenian parent or grandparent. To substantiate Armenian ancestry, applicants must furnish a church- or government-issued document affirming their own or their parent's/grandparent's Armenian ethnicity. Notably, this path imposes no linguistic or residency prerequisites upon ethnic Armenians.

Citizenship through Marriage

Another avenue towards Armenian citizenship is through marriage to an Armenian citizen. Eligibility arises following two years of marital union. The process mandates the provision of documentary evidence of marriage, such as a marriage certificate, alongside proof of lawful residence within Armenia for a cumulative 365-day period over the preceding two years. While an examination of knowledge on the Armenian Constitution is requisite, spouses of Armenian citizens are accorded the privilege of undergoing this examination with the assistance of an authorized translator.

Citizenship based on Having a Child who is a Citizen of Armenia

Armenian citizenship can also be acquired through having a child who holds Armenian citizenship, be it a minor or an adult. Similar to other paths, this route demands a proficiency test in Armenian Constitution knowledge and offers the option of utilizing a licensed translator during the examination.

Citizenship through Naturalization

Individuals maintaining a residency status in Armenia for a continuous three-year duration are eligible to seek Armenian citizenship through naturalization. This process, too, mandates a proficiency test in Armenian Constitution knowledge, administered in the Armenian language.

Citizenship by Exception

Armenia provides an exceptional pathway to citizenship for those without any of the aforementioned legal foundations for application. The law permits the grant of Armenian citizenship to foreign nationals who have rendered exceptional services to the nation, as well as individuals with noteworthy contributions in the fields of economy, science, education, culture, healthcare, and athletics. In October 2022, the Government published a draft law outlining specific criteria for applicants under this category, although the final decision remains pending.

Dual Citizenship in Armenia

Armenia embraces dual citizenship, affording individuals the capacity to retain their existing citizenship while acquiring Armenian citizenship. This policy accommodates those who seek to preserve their original citizenship or leverage the advantages associated with possessing multiple passports. Armenian citizens obtaining citizenship from another country maintain their Armenian citizenship, while foreign citizens gaining Armenian citizenship need not renounce their original citizenship. Dual citizens enjoy the privileges and prerogatives of both nations, including unrestricted travel and residence in either country.

Military Requirements for Male Citizens

Armenian male citizens bear additional responsibilities concerning military service. Males aged 18 to 26 are obligated to serve in the Armenian Armed Forces or engage in alternative service, unless exempted under specific circumstances outlined in the law. The compulsory military service duration is two years. All male citizens aged 16 to 55 are required to register with the military office. Those under 55 may be called upon for military training sessions, which can extend for up to three weeks.


In summary, whether one possesses Armenian lineage, is wed to an Armenian citizen, considers investment, or has established residence in Armenia, there exists a spectrum of pathways to attain Armenian citizenship.

What Makes Armenia a Good Choice for Residency 

No Stay or Visit

Maintaining residency in Armenia does not require physical presence; remote application is possible.

Fast and Easy

The residency application usually takes about 80 days and only a valid passport is required. 

Family Covered

Residents can sponsor extended family for residency (parents, siblings, grandchildren, etc.) 

Citizenship Path

After living in Armenia for three years, citizenship can be obtained. Dual citizenship is allowed.

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Our Proven Process of Making Armenia Your Second Home



As part of the preparation process, we will take care of translating your passport, printing photos, and filling out the necessary forms.


Residency for Family

You can sponsor your spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren to obtain residency in Armenia.



In order to qualify for residency, you have the option of either making a low-risk investment in government bonds or donating to a rural development project.


SSN, Tax ID, Etc.

You can obtain a certificate of registered address, a social security number, personal tax identification number, as well as a tax residency certificate.


Residence Permit

Applicants can choose to apply for a temporary (1-year) or permanent (5-year) residence permit remotely or in-person.


Bank Account

You can choose from 18 banks offering online and mobile banking, Visa and MasterCard options, and up to 11% interest on deposits in AMD, RUR, etc.

What Clients Say

Overall, I felt it could not have been any better. Everything was taken care of so smoothly, effortlessly, and managed very well. 

Jagdish n.

It is always daunting when dealing with immigration, visas etc in a foreign country. The team at Vardanyan & Partners made the process for registering the business and applying for residency so much easier. I had no worries at all. The team overall really went out of their way to accommodate and assist us.

Nadine B.

The team members were all professional, knowledgeable and most importantly, honest. They are hard-working and patient and were always responsive to my messages and questions. What I like most is, they are very well organised and have a modern system of work.

H. Rassa

Armenia is a captivating nation with a rich history and a promising future. Our firm is wholeheartedly committed to supporting individuals and businesses that recognize Armenia's potential and are eager to contribute to its ongoing success.

We trust that this website will serve as a valuable resource for you in gathering the information you need. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to get in touch with us. You can easily contact us through various channels, such as completing the form on our website, emailing us directly at [email protected], or reaching out via phone or popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, and Skype at +374. We are always available to assist you in any way possible.

Nerses Isajanyan
Managing Attorney
LL.M. Georgetown University, licensed to practice in both Armenia (license no. 903) and New York (license no. 5148945)

About Us

Vardanyan & Partners is a reputable law firm situated in Yerevan, Armenia, which has been providing excellent legal services since its establishment in 2012. Our team of locally licensed, English-speaking attorneys specializes in immigration, incorporation, and compliance matters, ensuring that clients receive expert legal guidance.  We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest changes in legislation and regulations, ensuring that our clients receive the most relevant and accurate advice. At Vardanyan & Partners, we place a strong emphasis on honesty, transparency, and client care. 

  • 10+ years of specialized experience in immigration and busines setup.
  • Fast and fluent communication in English and Russian. 24-hour response policy.  
  • Secure online payments. No hidden charges. 
  • Licensed and insured local attorneys. 

Where to find us

4/3 Pirumyanner, Suite 12, Yerevan, 0054, Armenia

