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4/3 Pirumyanner, Suite 12, Yerevan, 0054, Armenia



St. Lucia's Citizenship by Investment

St. Lucia lies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. A volcanic island mostly covered in rainforest, it is famous for its twin peaks — the Pitons — and its magical beaches. St. Lucia is a member of the Commonwealth and CARICOM and has excellent air links to Europe and North America. The Saint Lucia passport is powerful, not only its holder can travel freely around the world but can also establish residence and live in any of the 15 CARICOM countries if they wish to do so.

The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program requires applicants to make a significant economic contribution to the country. In exchange, and subject to a stringent application process and due diligence checks, the applicants and their families are granted full citizenship. Since its inception in 2016, the program has attracted investors by offering a straightforward path to citizenship through various investment options.  The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program is regulated by the Citizenship by Investment Act No. 14 of 2015. The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program is regulated by the Citizenship by Investment Act No. 14 of 2015. § 33 of this act established the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund (NEF), which receives the qualifying investments of donations from the program. These funds will be used by the government under the national development agenda. Potential applicants should understand the eligibility criteria, which include due diligence checks to maintain the integrity and reputation of the program.

St. Lucia’s business setting is characterized by its stability and support for foreign investment. With English as the official language, communication barriers are minimal, facilitating smoother transactions and integration into the local market. The government has proactively set up special enterprise projects to attract investment that can lead to significant economic growth within certain sectors. These projects often align with obtaining a Saint Lucia passport and residency, signifying a commitment to fostering a reliable and attractive business milieu.

St. Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Program allows investors to secure a second citizenship not only for themselves but also extends benefits to their families. With provisions for family inclusion and inheritance, applicants can ensure their investment reaches beyond their own personal gain.

Applicants can also include dependents in their citizenship application, but these family members must meet certain requirements:

  • Spouse: Legally married partners are eligible.

  • Children: Applicants’ dependent children under 21 who are fully supported by them are eligible.

  • Children aged 21-30 if they are full-time students or have disabilities

  • Parents or grandparents over 55 if they are financially dependent on the principal applicant

Benefits of the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program

  • No prior visa required for over 140 destinations including Europe’s Schengen Area, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and many others.

  • Fast-track citizenship with a processing time of only 3-4 months

  • No residence or visitation is required.

  • No interview or language test

  • Applicants are able to include a spouse, children under 31, siblings under 18, and parents aged 55 and over, as well as to add dependents after they have been granted citizenship.

  • The program has attractive investment and processing costs.

  • St. Lucia recognizes dual citizenship.

  • No tax on personal income, wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains

  • Investors can return the money in 5 years by redeeming bonds or selling real estate.

  • Children born to individuals who have obtained citizenship through investment will usually be citizens of St. Lucia by descent.

  • St Lucia citizens can get a 10-year B‑1/B‑2 visitor visa to the USA. It allows the holder to stay in the country for up to 6 months a year. They can travel around the country, attend business meetings and conferences, and get medical treatment in American clinics.

  • Investors can register a company in St Lucia, opening bank accounts for business abroad and making settlements with international partners in foreign currencies easier. Moreover, the beneficial owner’s personal information is not entered into the commercial register to protect their identity and privacy.

Requirements of St. Lucian citizenship by investment

  • The main applicant must be at least 18 years of age to qualify, meet the application requirements, and select one of the investment options:

  • Purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000 from an approved real estate development, which must be held for a minimum period of five years

  • Participation in an approved enterprise project with a minimum contribution of USD 3.5 million, plus the creation of no less than three permanent jobs. Alternatively, a joint contribution of USD 6 million (with each applicant committing a minimum of USD 1 million) plus the creation of no fewer than six permanent jobs

  • Non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund of USD 100,000 for a single applicant. Alternatively:

  • Investment in non-interest-bearing government bonds with a minimum value of USD 300,000 (and an administrative fee of USD 50,000), which must be held for a minimum period of five years

  • All qualifying dependents must have a clean personal background with no criminal record and not be under any criminal investigation (other than in respect of a minor offense). A person that is deemed a potential security risk or who is or has been involved in any activity that is likely to bring disrepute to St. Lucia shall not be approved for citizenship.

  • Proof that they have enough funds to make the required investment, as well as proof of the legal source of the funds.

  • Health Clearance: Applicants must not have any contagious diseases or serious health conditions that might pose a threat to public health.

Required documents

  • Birth Certificate: To establish the applicant’s nationality.

  • Passport: Valid passport copies for identity verification.

  • Proof of Address: Utility bills or bank statements as residence proof.

  • Financial Documents: Showing the origin and source of investment funds.

  • Marriage or Divorce Certificates: If applicable, for relationship status.

  • Professional References: Typically from a lawyer or accountant.

  • Health Certificate: Ensuring the applicant has no contagious diseases.

Procedures and time frame of the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program

The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment program mandates a thorough application process that requires specific documentation and goes through multiple steps, including a rigorous due diligence and background check.

The steps to apply for St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment involve:

  • Preparation and Submission: Applicants must gather all the supporting documents and complete the necessary application forms.

  • Investment Decision: Choose one of the qualified investment options.

  • Payment of Fees: Non-refundable processing fees and due diligence fees are paid.

  • Official Submission: The complete package, including the investment agreement, is submitted to the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU).

Approval for citizenship by investment in St Lucia takes roughly 60-90 days. The application process should take no longer than four-six months from submission of the application to issuance of the certificate of citizenship, assuming there are no areas of concern with the application. Due diligence checks are a critical component of this timeline and can vary in duration depending on the complexity of each case. Where, in exceptional cases, it is expected that the processing time will be longer than three months, The Citizenship by Investment Board, which provides oversight to a dedicated citizenship by investment unit (CIU), will consider an application for citizenship and its outcome may be to either grant, deny, or delay for cause. All applications must be completed in English.

All requisite supporting documents must be attached to an application before it can be processed by the CIU. All applications must be accompanied by the relevant nonrefundable processing and due diligence fees for the principal applicant, their spouse, and each qualifying dependent. Where an application has been approved in principle, the CIU will notify the authorized agent that the qualifying funds and requisite government administration fees must be paid before the certificate of citizenship can be granted.

The main applicant must remit the required funds for the qualifying option within 90 calendar days after notice of approval of their application. A successful applicant shall sign the oath or affirmation of allegiance before an attorney-at-law, notary royal, or notary public. The minister may, by order, revoke a grant of citizenship in exceptional circumstances as may be deemed necessary.

The government of St. Lucia reserves the right to revoke citizenship granted through the investment program if it is discovered that the applicant provided false information or engaged in activity that contravenes the regulations of the program. It is imperative that during the procedure all information submitted is accurate and that the due diligence checks are passed without discrepancies.

Investment thresholds vary based on the option chosen and the number of dependents included in the application. Each investment category is carefully designed to contribute to the nation’s economy while offering the investor and their family a secure future with enhanced travel possibilities and lifestyle benefits.

National Economic Fund Option

Applicants can make a non-refundable donation to the National Economic Fund (NEF), which finances various government-sponsored projects aimed at boosting the country’s economy. The minimum donation required depends on the number of dependents included in the application. Investing in Saint Lucia’s National Economic Fund is a straightforward way to apply for citizenship while enhancing the infrastructure and utilities of the island nation. Once the application has been approved, the applicants will need to make the minimum qualifying investment for themselves and, if applicable, their family. The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Board considers all applications carefully and holds the right to grant, deny or delay for cause.  

National Action Bond Option

Applications for citizenship of Saint Lucia can be made through an investment in the National Action Government Bonds (“NAB”). The bonds are non-interest bearing, and must be registered and remain in the name of the applicant for a five-year holding period from the date of first issue.

Real Estate Option

Saint Lucia has huge appeal for visitors and tourists and is proud of its wide range of real estate options. The Citizenship Investment Program is an option for investors wishing to make an investment into an approved real estate projects under the following categories: 

  • high-end branded hotels and resorts 

  • high-end boutique properties 

The investor will own title deed to the property. Investors must retain the property for a minimum period, contributing to the thriving local property market.

Enterprise Project Option

Contributions to approved enterprise projects provide an opportunity to invest in established enterprises or upcoming projects across various sectors. These projects aim to bolster the national economy and create jobs.

The Citizenship Program is open to receiving proposals for investment into the following:

  • Specialty restaurants

  • Cruise ports and marinas

  • Agro-processing plants

  • Pharmaceutical products

  • Ports, bridges, roads and highways (Infrastructure)

  • Research institutions and facilities

  • Offshore universities

  • Housing projects

  • Social development projects

  • Investment services

Fees and Other Payments

The only fees payable upon submitting your citizenship application are the non-refundable due diligence and processing fees.

Application processing fee

  • Main Applicant: US $2,000

  • Each qualifying dependent: US $1,000

Due Diligence fee

  • Main Applicant: US $8,000

  • Each qualifying dependent: US $5,000

Due diligence is only conducted on applicants above the age of 16 years.

National Economic Fund investment

  • Applicant Alone: US$ 100,000

  • Applicant with spouse:  US$ 140,000

  • Applicant with spouse and up to two other qualifying dependents:  US $150,000

  • Each additional qualifying dependent, of any age: US$ 25,000

  • Each qualifying dependent in addition to a family of four (family includes a spouse): US$ 15,000

A citizen (granted through the citizenship program) may add-on a qualifying dependent for the grant of citizenship by making an investment into the National Economic Fund. 

  • Newborn child of a citizen (child of 12 months of age & below): US$ 5,000

  • Spouse of a citizen: US$ 35,000

  • Qualifying dependent of a citizen (other than a spouse): US$ 25,000

National Action Bond investment

  • Applicant applying with any number of dependents: US$ 300,000

  • An additional, non-refundable administration fee of US$ 50,000 is applicable.

Real Estate 

  • One-time minimum Investment payable upon the grant of citizenship: US $200,000

Administrative fees;

  • Applicant applying alone: US$ 30,000

  • Applicant applying with spouse: US$ 45,000 

  • Each qualifying dependent (18 years of age and over) : US$ 10, 000 

  • Each qualifying dependent (under 18 years of age): US$ 5,000 

  • Applicant applying with spouse & more than four dependents: US$ 10,000

  • The administrative fees payable upon the grant of citizenship are non-refundable.

Enterprise Project

  • Applicant Alone: US$ 3,500,000 (minimum investment)

  • An additional, non-refundable administration fee of US$50,000 will apply.

  • More than one applicant (joint venture): US$6,000,000 (minimum investment)

  • Each applicant must contribute at least US$1,000,000

  • An additional, non-refundable administration fee of US$50,000 will apply.

Option 2

  • Applicant Alone: US$100,000 (minimum investment)

  • Applicant and up to 3 Qualifying Dependents: US$150,000 (minimum investment)

  • An additional, non-refundable administration fee of US$15,000 will apply.

  • Administrative Fees for Dependents:

  • Application Alone: An additional, non-refundable administration fee of US$15,000 will apply.

  • Applicant & Spouse - US$ 20, 000 

  • Applicant applying with two dependents - US$ 25, 000 

  • Applicant with three qualifying dependents - US$ 30, 000 

  • Additional Dependents (+3) - US$ 10, 000 Each

Our Services

Visa & Residency

  • Visa application
  • Visa extension
  • Invitation letter
  • Residence permit
  • Work permit
  • Citizenship

Legal & Compliance

  • Address registration
  • Social security number
  • Tax ID number
  • Tax residency certificate
  • Tax compliance services
  • Health insurance


  • Personal bank account
  • Corporate bank account
  • Company registration
  • Real estate
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Bank deposits

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Over 10 years of specialized experience in immigration and business setup.

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Our team of locally licensed, English-speaking attorneys specializes in immigration, incorporation, and compliance matters, providing bespoke legal strategies for each client.

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At Vardanyan & Partners, client care is paramount. Our emphasis on honesty and transparency ensures that you are always informed and confident in your legal journey.

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Established in 2012, Vardanyan & Partners has built a reputation for excellence and reliability. With our team, you are not just hiring attorneys; you are partnering with insured legal experts committed to your success.

What Makes Armenia a Good Choice for Residency

No Stay or Visit

Maintaining residency in Armenia does not require physical presence; remote application is possible.

Fast and Easy

The residency application usually takes about 80 days and only a valid passport is required. 

Family Covered

Residents can sponsor extended family for residency (parents, siblings, grandchildren, etc.) 

Citizenship Path

After living in Armenia for three years, citizenship can be obtained. Dual citizenship is allowed.

Nerses Isajanyan

Managing Attorney

LL.M., Georgetown University

Licensed Attorney, Armenia: License no. 903

Licensed Attorney, New York: License no. 5148945

Our firm's reputation rests on more than just legal expertise. We pride ourselves on the values of honesty, transparency, and an unwavering commitment to client care. We recognize the unique opportunities and challenges Armenia presents, and we are here to guide you through them.

For inquiries or to schedule a consultation, you may contact us at [email protected] or +374. I look forward to collaborating with you on your journey in Armenia.

Where to find us

Nestled in the heart of the Davtashen district in Yerevan, our office is a stone's throw away from the Migration Service building, ensuring seamless coordination on immigration matters. If you refer to the map above, you will pinpoint our exact location. For those journeying from the city center, anticipate a brief 20-30 minute taxi ride to reach us. We look forward to welcoming you and addressing your legal needs.


4/3 Pirumyanner, Suite 12, Yerevan, 0054, Armenia



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