by nerses 

Advertisement & Marketing Regulations and Penalties


Armenian regulations of marketing are mostly found in the Law on Advertisement and are enforced by designated bodies, such as the National Commission on Television and Radio or local authorities. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides the following penalties for violations of marketing regulations:

  • Failure to comply with official notices and warnings regarding outdoor advertisement – AMD 100,000 (USD 213)
  • Placing advertisement on vehicles in violation of safety requirements – AMD 30,000 (USD 64)
  • Placing advertisement on state motorways in violation of safety requirements – AMD 100,000 (USD 213)
  • Placing advertisement on other public roads without the necessary permits – AMD 50,000 (USD 106)
  • Unauthorized installation of billboards on public roads – AMD 10,000 (USD 21)
  • Illegal use of trademarks – AMD 100,000 – 200,000 (USD 213 – 426)
  • Illegal use of names without a special license or permit – AMD 50,000 (USD 106)
  • Advertisement of medicines, medical equipment or treatment methods without a permit issued by the Ministry of Health – AMD 150,000 (USD 319)
  • Advertisement of medicines with strong influence, prescription or unregistered medicines – AMD 100,000 – 200,000 (USD 213 – 426)
  • Violation of rules for advertisement of cultural events – AMD 100,000 (USD 213)
  • Failure to mention the sound features of a concert performance (live or taped) – AMD 200,000 (USD 426)

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