by nerses 

A Q&A about transaction taxes in Republic of Armenia


Q: Are there any documentary taxes in Armenia?

A: Armenia does not levy any documentary taxes on documents evidencing transactions.


Q: Is there Value Added Tax (or a similar tax)? If so, at what rate or rates?

A: A person (legal entity, individual entrepreneur, etc. ) is considered a VAT payer if they carry out entrepreneurial activity and their taxable turnover for the previous calendar year or during the current calendar year is more than the VAT threshold (58.35 million AMD).

There are two VAT rates.

The standard VAT rate of 20% applies to any supply of goods and services that is not VAT exempt or zero-rated.

0% VAT rate is usually used for the exportation of goods and services, transportation of foreign loads through the territory of the RA (see Article 16 of the law of the RA on VAT ).


Q: Is VAT (or any similar tax) charged on all transactions or are there any relevant exclusions?

A: While most of the transactions connected with the sale of goods, works, services and the import of goods are VAT taxable, there are non-taxable operations delineated by the law on VAT (see Article 15).

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