The State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition performs the following tasks:
- protects and promotes free economic competition to contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and protect the customers’ rights and interests,
- ensures appropriate environment for fair competition,
- prevents, precautions, and restricts anti-competitive activities,
- controls the economic competition protection.
In order to achieve these goals, the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition performs the following primary functions:
- oversees the implementation of the economic protection legislation,
- discusses and adopts decisions about violations of the economic competition protection legislation,
- applies to the court in cases of violations of the economic competition protection legislation,
- participates in the development of legal acts regulating the State policy regarding the economic competitiveness,
- participates in the intergovernmental agreements on issues concerning its jurisdiction ,
- develops and implements measures aimed at the prevention of violations of the legislation on economic competition protection,
- carries out other responsibilities defined by law.
State or local government officials who refuse to provide necessary information or documentation required by law or requested by the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, or provide inaccurate information, are subject to fine in the sum of 50,000 AMD. AÂ repeat offence within a year from the first violation is punishable by a fine in the sum of 100,000 AMD.