by nerses 

Residence Status Fees Lowered for U.S. Nationals


Residence permit

On March 29, 2019, the Armenian Government (Cabinet of Ministers) resolved to reduce the government fees for temporary (one-year) and permanent (five-year) residence permits for applicants holding the citizenship of the United States. 

In particular, from now on the U.S. nationals will have to pay only AMD 85,000 (approx. $177) in government fees for temporary residence status, instead of the regular fee of AMD 105,000 (approx. $221). The extension of the temporary residence permit will cost only AMD 1,000 (approx. $2), instead of the regular fee of AMD 105,000 (approx. $221). The permanent (five-year) residence permit will cost AMD 90,000 (approx. $189) instead of the regular fee of AMD 140,000 (approx. $294).

The fees were reduced on the basis of reciprocity. 

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