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EDB. Economic Growth in Armenia will Reach 5.3% in 2019


economic growth in armenia

Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) predicts 5.3% economic growth in Armenia for 2019. Andrey Petrosyan, Head of the Center for Integrated Research of the Bank, told journalists during the second Eurasian Media Congress.

According to him, in 2015 when Armenia and Kyrgyzstan became members of the EAEU, the conditions for economic development were not favorable in the world economy, particularly for the EAEU countries. There were many internal and external negative factors, such as reduction in the volume of money transfers.

Andrey Petrosyan

All that had a negative impact on the economies of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Nevertheless, the countries showed quite good indicators, and from 2017 their economies have been gradually restoring

According to Mr. Petrosyan, Armenia's membership in the EAEU offered new opportunities for the growth of the national economy and neutralizing the negative influence of the external economic factors. EDB. Economic Growth in Armenia will Reach 5.3% in 2019, (April 25, 2019) (in Armenian) .

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